A little something about life

Life is not about to start, it will not start. Don’t wait for it to start…it started before you started waiting. You must have heard, ‘I’m just killing time.’ In reality, time is actually killing you. Myles Munroe said, we become what we buy with our time: because time is currency, you become what you…

6 Lessons I Learned From Befriending A Stranger

The “Golden Rule” is a maxim which teaches us that one of the most important values in life is to treat others how you would want to be treated. A simple rule to follow, but perhaps one of the most difficult – as it sometimes can be easier to judge, react, or ignore the people we…

7 Signs You Are an Emotionally Intelligent Person.

Emotional Intelligence is a term often used in the psychology field to define a person’s ability to understand emotions and feelings both, their own and others, as first popularized by Daniel Goleman [1]. There has been much research into the topic of emotional intelligence and the role it plays in happiness and success and whilst…

Turmeric Kills Cancer Cells

It is estimated that the human body consists of ten or so trillion cells. Almost all of these cells get turned over within approximately 100 days. That means we’re like a new person every three months. We reinvent ourselves physically. And since we’re physically made of air, water, and food—those are the only inputs—we are…